What We Did This Weekend:
Running Errands

The bulk of our weekend was spent running errands. I thought it would be fun to make a map of all our stops. Click on each stop for a little commentary about why we were there and whether our visit was successful or not.

View Todd & Brookie's Errands in a larger map

But, as tedious as six to seven hours of errands sounds, we made some great "discoveries" this weekend.* Actually, it's more like two discoveries and two new recipes.

Discoveries as defined here simply means that it's new to us.

Spin Pizza
From the outside, Spin Pizza always seemed a little too snobbish, a little too metropolitan. But, since many of our friends have recommended it, and since I love pizza, we tried it out Friday night. It was really good. Waldo Pizza is still my favorite, but Spin has nailed down a spot as one of the top three options in the Kansas City area.

Pretzel M&Ms
We first saw a blue bag of Pretzel M&Ms in the checkout line at the first Walmart we hit on Saturday. Then, on our way out of the last Target we stopped at, I grabbed an extra large bag. We opened it and had our first Pretzel M&M experience in the car in the parking lot. That bag was gone by Tuesday afternoon. Working from home is blessing... and a curse.

As for the two new recipes we tried and loved, one was some grilled pork, and the other was stuffed parmesan chicken.

And that's pretty much what we did this weekend.

Go to the board!


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