Things We Are Thankful For

Can you believe how fast the time slips away? We are only two weeks away from turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, pies, green bean casserole, stuffing, any every other side dish known to mankind. In years past Brookie has taped a poster-board to our front door and entitled it, "Things We Are Thankful For." Everyday each one of us would add one thing we are thankful for using one of the markers strategically placed by the door. And, if we ever had company over, they would add something to the list before leaving. Well, since there is still no poster-board on our door, I had an idea to do virtually the same thing here.

So here's the deal: I'll start things off in the comments section (here's a tip–if you click on the title of this post, you'll be taken to the post's very own page, and the comments will be visible beneath the post, instead of needing to go to the ugly Blogger comments page to see them). Today and every day up to and including Thanksgiving, I'll add a comment of one thing I'm thankful for (and maybe an accompanying link if I get ambitious). Brooke will do the same. And, since you're at our blog instead of our house, we'd love to hear what you're thankful for each time you visit in the next two weeks. Don't feel obligated to add to the list though. Really. But we'd love to hear what you're thankful for too. So check back each day to see what has been added. Oh, and there's only one rule: No duplicates.


  1. Brookie Kalene... need I say more?

  2. The KC Royals are thankful that you are fans.

  3. Being able to see you guys at Christmas!

  4. the wonderful world of disney

  5. sleep, a clean house and get togethers at Grandpa & Grandma's

  6. I am thankful to have you two in our ward. Seriously, you are both just fantastic!

  7. sleeping for more than four hours at a time!

  8. TiVo... especially when there's a big football game in the middle of Stake Conference sessions.

  9. I'm thankful that my hubby doesn't get mad when I hog the blankets at night.

  10. Our parents and brothers. I love my brothers...all 6 of them!!

  11. paid vacation days (and something fun to do while we're off)

  12. My girls--all 19 of them! (My Young Women)

  13. I'm thankful for the transition to digital TV. Our picture has never been so clear.

  14. Brigham Young University. Win or lose, it's still my favorite place on Earth.

  15. Thanksgiving Week (2-day work week)

  16. For Monday: 50 degree weather at the end of November

  17. For Monday: That I don't have to drive to work

  18. kleenex and box-spring mattresses


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