What We Did This Weekend:
Pizza, the Temple, and more Pizza

Last week's video blog seemed to be a success, at least with our two readers. I'm planning a special video blog for sometime this week, if we get around to it. For now, you'll have to settle for a good, old fashioned post.

Friday night we had dinner at what may have been solidified as my favorite restaurant: Waldo Pizza. Before we were married, it was not uncommon for me to consume two or three pizzas a week. After getting married, I convinced Brookie that we still needed at least one pizza night a week, and so, we usually took home a large Papa Murphy's and cook it in our own oven. We had a handful of dates at the Brick Oven, but for the most part, we ate pizza on a carry-out basis only.

Since coming to Kansas City and discovering the wonderful pizza at Waldo, our pizza eating habits are changing. We both love the food. And the atmosphere is rowdy enough to be fun, but not so loud that you actually notice it.

Ever since we ran out of gas in the middle of Missouri on I-70, our temple trips have not be very eventful. This Saturday was no different. We left our house at 7:00am, and arrived at the temple at 10:40am. In the car we listened to H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds. We finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (that's the fifth book, right?), and we won't start book six until we see the movie. But, we liked the idea of listening to books on the road, so we checked a few out before our Saturday temple trip. The Royals game took over from the Martian invasion on the way back to Kansas City.

There was, at least for me, one thing of note from this temple trip. Granted, going to the temple is special enough, but that is the same every month. What was different this month, was our meal after the temple. We stopped at an Applebee's just off the interstate. I've seen the commercials about the new and improved Applebee's, but we haven't been there lately (we generally prefer Chili's). But I must say, they served me one of the greatest burgers I have ever had. Next time you go to Applebee's, consider ordering the Quesadilla Burger (pico de gallo, shredded lettuce and their Mexi-ranch sauce, served Southwestern style in a pepper-Jack and cheddar quesadilla, contains bacon). It was one of the few times that something I ordered actually tasted better than it looked in the menu.

Sunday was pretty eventful, since we were gathered in our brand new stake center with three other wards, and by the end of the meeting, the four wards that started had become five wards. We were certain that we were going to be in a new ward because we live so much farther north than most of the members in our ward. As it turned out, we stayed put.

And, what better to cap a weekend than more pizza. We make the dough in our breadmaker, and throw the pizzas in the oven on our pizza stone. We have our methods down pat. Brooke is awesome at making the pizza, and it's much less stressful for me if she does it by herself. This week she made me a double-pepperoni and a BLT pizza for herself. They both turned out great.


  1. Hey, I thought of you two when President Monson announced the new temple! If you plan on staying in Kansas, I think you are probably soooo glad!


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