Another Friday, Another Five Minutes

If you read our blog using a RSS feed reader like the one Google offers, you may not notice anything different about our blog. But, if you actually visit our blogger site, you'll see the beginnings of the new theme I've been working on.

Usually, I develop the theme using a separate blog I've set up for testing designs before implementing them on our actual blog. But this week, after working on some CSS for an hour, I realized I had been editing the actual CSS, not the test code. So, all of the changes I thought I was testing were actually live and in full color on our blog. At that point, I cleaned up a few things and just decided to keep going.

There are a few functional things I'd like to work on after I polish the design. We also have a great new header that I


  1. I absolutely am annoyed that you actually stop mid thought when the timer goes off!!!! uuuuggggghhhhh smile!!! Mary Kay

  2. Sorry. That's all the time I have... :)


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