New Beginnings

Last night was New Beginnings. As a youth leader at church for the young women (ages 12-18), I have the opportunity to work with these girls each week. New Beginnings is a program we hold each year to welcome in the new "Beehives" (the 12 year olds that will be joining us this year). The girls planned New Beginnings, and they did such a wonderful job. They planned the program, the beautiful decorations, the game, the music, and the theme. They worked so hard to make it a beautiful event for all the girls and their parents. I had the opportunity to make the refreshments:

The theme was, "We, we, we all the way home," based off the 3 little pigs nursery rhyme (or more current, the "new" Geico commercial). They chose that theme to represent all of us returning to our Heavenly Home someday, and how Young Women's helps us do that.

I am so blessed to be able to serve with these amazing girls. They are such strong leaders, and when I am with them, I feel strengthened. The time I spend being with the youth and in serving in this calling is always rewarding. I learn so much from these girls, and I am so grateful for their examples. They are amazing young women. They are strong, courageous, they choose the right, the stand for the Lord, and they are so loving toward us as leaders and to each other. I would not be the woman I am without them and the other women I serve with.

P.S. Todd and I are "celebrating" our 80-month anniversary today. Just in case you forgot or weren't keeping track, thought I would remind all our readers. And in honor of that, here are 8 of my favorite things to do/have done with my hubby. (Sorry, I am sure I could come up with 80, but I only have the time to write during Savannah's nap).
*In no particular order...
1. The adoption process. It brought us closer to each other and the Lord than anything else.
2. Our honeymoon in Chicago. We had such a fun time together, going to all the museums, eating out, seeing the city.
3. Being dirt-poor as students, living in a basement apartment, which we thought was charming and wonderful!
4. Road trip(s) to Salt Lake, Indiana, and Arizona.
5. Becoming parents with him, struggling through learning how to do it all, and laughing together at all her silliness.
6. Cooking, baking, every time we make something in the kitchen.
7. Too many baseball games to count. But there was this one time where he actually caught one of the hot dogs that Sluggger was throwing into the audience. The foil was coming off of it, and he said it was probably the worst hot dog he had eaten, but he had to eat it because it was from Sluggger.
8. Temple trips each month.
Love you, Babe! Here's one from the archives:

Go to the board!


  1. So, you made me search for this new Geico commercial. Awesome. "Thanks, Mrs. A."


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