What We Did This Weekend:
A Surprise Visitor

Friday was a pretty typical day: seminary, work, etc., until I got home. When I walked in the front door I noticed some luggage, and then making my way back to the TV/Office room, there was my mom! Todd and Mom had surprised my by having her fly in the for weekend! What a great gift (for both of us).

After the hugs and initial surprise, figuring out how she had actually gotten to our house (being a one-car family and all...thanks Melinda!), and catching up a little, we decided to take Mom to Ciao! Bella in Lee's Summit for dinner. Before eating, we looked at a few of the nearby shops. One of the shops is a little kitchen place, which also holds cooking lessons, but at $55/person, we will probably just stick with Google for our recipes.

At Ciao! Bella, mom had the Fettuccine Alfredo w/ Shrimp, I had the Pasta Roma (which I HIGHLY recommend), and Todd had a pizza...of course ;). After dinner, we had a few minutes to walk downtown before heading to the Stake Center to clean...Thanks Mom! What a trooper.

When we got home, we enjoyed some Peanut Butter ice cream, while watching some Cosby, and then headed to bed. In the morning, we got up bright and early to go to the Lee's Summit Farmer's Market, where we were delighted to stop at the Sweet Treats by Trudy booth!

Following the Farmer's Market, we met up with a few people from the ward and made our way up to the Temple Groundbreaking. While we weren't able to see the actual groundbreaking due to the number of people, it was fun and very special to be up there at that wonderful sight. It is beautiful! And we can't wait! They said it would take about 2 years, and that the Kansas City, Missouri Temple will serve 11 stakes (40,600 people). We were also reminded that we can serve during the Open House, and we are looking forward to that, and looking forward to taking friends through the open house with us. One of my favorite things were were taught was that, "Every temple completed lessens the influence of Satan on earth and increases the influence of the Lord."

Following the groundbreaking, we jumped on I-35 S to head downtown to the City Market. My mom loved it! She loves Farmer's Markets, and since this one takes the cake, we had a blast! We sampled the fresh bread and bought some foccaccia. We also got some rhubarb and strawberries, oranges, agave nectar (for my brother, Brennan), and two European cucumbers (thanks, Julie!). We even got some excellent hot dogs for lunch.

By this point, we were already exhausted. But since it was Saturday, and because my angel mom offered to help, we headed home to clean and do some yard work. After a couple hours of weeding, tilling, and "planting" wild flower seeds, we decided that we deserved a break. While mom rested, Todd and I went to the grocery to get some last minute items for her special mother's day dinner (it had to be on Saturday since she was leaving Sunday after church).

For dinner, we made her manicotti, salad, and bread (compliments of the Farmer's Market). For dessert, we whipped up a little strawberry-rhubarb pie, which was delicious if I may say, and of course, vanilla ice cream on the side.

We enjoyed our pie while watching our adoption video with my mom (which if you haven't seen, we would be happy to send you a copy...and if you know anyone who would like to place a baby...:)

On Sunday morning, Todd made my mom a wonderful mother's day breakfast, a delicious bacon, spinach, and red pepper quiche, with some fruit on the side (needless to say, we all ate way too much food this weekend...but that's what happens when you come to our house!) Then she opened her present, and we headed to church. I was asked to speak in church today, along with the other YW leaders, and I was truly honored that my mom could be there today. I had already written my talk by the time I saw her, so it was nice to be able to honor her with that.

We had to leave church a little early, and took her to the airport. I am so grateful that she was able to fly in. I hadn't seen my mom in a long time, and it was wonderful to spend time with her. She is amazing! And I love her very much! She is the person I want to be like when I grow up. Happy Mother's Day!

Go to the board!


  1. I am glad you guys had so much fun with your mom! She is so sweet...I'm glad that I got to meet her. And Brooke, as a compliment, you are a lot like your mom.....AMAZING in every way!!

  2. I agree with Melinda.. you are truly amazing Brooke! also, I would love to see your adoption video :)

  3. WOW! what a great post. seeing brooklet happy makes me so happy!
    and i cried a little bit. not that that is a big deal since it happens daily, but these were happy tears for you!


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