What We Did This Weekend: Mitts, Muffins, and Meetings

A few weeks ago, Todd and I got tickets to the BYU Alumni-sponsored BBQ dinner and fireside. The dinner was catered by Oklahoma Joe's and the speaker, a BYU Church history professor, spoke about the temple lot in Independence. It was fantastic! Plus...we got a BYU pom-pom!

Before the dinner, though, Todd and I stopped at this baseball store (I know, we're junkies), called Line Drive. We haven't been before because it is quite a drive from our house. They are actually relocating to Florida, and were having a liquidation sale. When we walked in, we were thinking about potential gift ideas for brothers and possibly some unnecessary baseball equipment for Todd. But then I saw this little pair of baseball pants, $5. Then I saw that they had some little cleats, $10! And so we decided to get some cheap baseball equipment for a future little baby Reynolds. In the end, we got the pants, cleats, and a little kid helmet all for under $30, plus Todd got a free shirt with purchase. Nice. And...since we don't know what gender said child will be, we made sure to get the black cleats, which could be for a boy or girl.

On Saturday, we were able to attend graduation for one of the Young Women. She is the top valedictorian and did a wonderful job on her speech! So proud! Then we headed down to Lee's Summit for the first of our Stake Conference meetings. After my Young Women meetings, we just did our regular Saturday stuff: cleaning, laundry, gym, etc, before making dinner. Plus we made some giant chocolate chocolate-chip muffins. It was our first time with this recipe, but I think we will change a few things next time.

After a quick supper, we headed to Lee's Summit for the adult session of Stake Conference, and Todd and I both agreed that it was one of the best we have been to in a long time! Plus, we heard a great saying that will soon be on a sign on our walls, but I will wait until it is finished to share.

On Sunday, we went to our last stake conference meeting, which was also one of the best we have been to. In the evening, we were able to go to a meeting for the Ma's and Pa's who will be going on Trek; Todd is especially looking forward to family hugs, as described in the Ma & Pa Handbook... :)

Then we headed down to the chapel at the stake center for Seminary Graduation; Todd had one graduate this year, but will get another new student in the Fall. All I can say, is that it was kind of weird how I missed not having seminary here this morning. It brings a nice spirit in our home every morning, especially hearing the kids sing.

We finished our weekend off by sharing our muffins with some friends. It is always nice to get in some visit time, especially when cute babies are involved!

It was a wonderful weekend. We had several answers to prayers, and had opportunity to learn more about the temple, reaching out to the one, the Spirit, faith, happiness, and following the Savior. How grateful we are for the opportunity we have to pray, and receive answers. Sometimes they are not the answers WE want, but when we listen, and choose to accept His will, and believe that He will help us, then we are given strength beyond our own. We are given peace that things will work out, and happiness!

2 Nephi 31:20 - Perfect Brightness of Hope!

Go to the board!


  1. We love you guys. Have we told you yet that we will be in town for General Conference weekend in October? We definitely want to see (and possibly stay with... if it's okay with you) you!!

  2. @C
    That sounds great! You and your Bs are welcome anytime. Does this mean you're pushing back your summer visit?


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