Cutting Back

Times are tough. We're trying to cut back on our spending, just like everyone else. We've planted a garden, in hopes of reducing our grocery bills in the future. We don't go out for ice cream as much. We look for bargains when we shop. It seems our motto lately has been "Use a coupon when you go out, get a discount, or do without." So with frugality in mind, I had this idea that can save us about $15 a month.


  1. love it! I've been cutting Jon's hair for several years now. There is less to do each time. (now he even does it himself. ;) The clippers were definitely a good investment. Are you going to cut Brookie's hair next?

  2. bold choice. you guys are awesome.
    we do the same thing... 4 heads of boy hair would sure add up. plus it leaves more in the budget for me to go get mine done. :)

  3. Yeah but the trick is to get the lady to switch to a clipper friendly haircut. Emma's hair lady charges so much you'd think Emma were John Edwards.

  4. Nice - the summer buzz. I like the little blip where you grab the clippers and do a bit yourself. Great idea for the video.

  5. AWESOME!!!! You know though you will never be able to go back. It will get to where your old just cut length will be your shaggy look. Then you will go from a 2 or 3 to a 1. Then a 2 or 3 will be shaggy and then you will have no extension. Then a 1 will be shaggy. Then you have to bust out the Bic. Welcome to the club.

    PS. Ah the days of giving Brookie a hair cut. Good times. Good times.

  6. Awesome!! And Brooke didn't even crack a smile the entire time. Seth usually cuts his front and sides, and has me do the back. (He' VERY picky when it comes to his hair has to be "just right"...and, I have given him so BAD cuts....) Good luck with the "cutting back". I LOVED your video!!


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