What We Did This Weekend:
Wishing We Lived in Lee's Summit

By all accounts, it was a good weekend. We're finally getting to the point where warm fall days are going to be less and less common and frigid winter days more so. The winters in Missouri aren't as bad as they are elsewhere, but the humidity amplifies the coldness factor. This is about the time of year that our hot chocolate consumption skyrockets. Back in March, our favorite appliance, the Back-to-Basics brand Cocoa Latte hot chocolate maker (get your's today, only $29.99) quit on us. I'm certain that over the two years we had it we simply burned out the motor with all the use. Saturday night we found a new one to take it's place. At least we have hot chocolate to look forward to.

We went to Lee's Summit a few times this weekend. Friday night there was an Elder's Quorum activity at the church. We were going to have a date night in the gym at the church and play volleyball, but there were two problems: only one other couple came, and they forgot to bring the volleyball. We weren't really planning on this activity actually happening, so after waiting for 15 minutes we went to dinner, and the Cox's, who also didn't think it was going to happen, said they were going to a movie. We ate a Five Guys (thanks to Weston's post) and went home to watch a movie. That was our first trip to Lee's Summit.

Saturday morning we were up pretty early for a weekend because it was our turn to help clean the church (Yay... another ride to Lee's Summit). We were also watching our friends daughter that morning, so she tagged along and made cleaning the six bathrooms in our Stake Center kind of fun. Poor little girl. She must think that all we do is clean. After finishing up at church, we cleaned our car. When we got home we cleaned our house.

Later that afternoon, Brooke and I went and watched the BYU-Air Force game with some friends (who also live in Lee's Summit). I-470 is really nice, especially this time of year. The Cougars won, setting up an epic battle this weekend with the Utes. It was a lot of fun. Their kids crack me up, we had some good conversations, and some really, really good Peach Crisp. Mmmmmm. We also made some plans for the big game this Saturday. Only one problem: Stake Conference. The game starts at 5:00pm CST. I have a meeting from 4:00-6:00pm and then the adult session is from 7:00-9:00pm (though I'm hoping it's over by 8:30pm). Luckily our friends have TiVo. So I'm giving notice. You will not be able to contact us at all Saturday night. Our cell phones will be turned off starting at 5:00pm.

Having already made three trips to Lee's Summit, we tried to conserve gas (I mean, honestly, at $1.65 a gallon, who can afford all of that travel?), and save ourselves another round trip. Church started at 11:00am, but, of course, we found out that we had a meeting at 10:15am. We left for Lee's Summit at 9:45am (did I mention how much I love I-470?), went to our meeting, then to church, which ended at 2:00pm. We had been asked to give talks in a church service at John Knox Village (a nursing home) at 3:30pm. So we had 90 minutes to kill, because we weren't going to go home and come right back to Lee's Summit. We sat in the parking lot and talked, while I finished writing my talk. We headed over to John Knox and when the rest of the people involved in the service arrived, we went in and did our thing.

When we got home it was about 4:30pm and Brooke had just enough time to eat some leftovers before she went back to the church in Lee's Summit for a Young Womens presidency meeting and then youth Standards Night. I love her. I was planning on going with her, but she suggested that I stay home and make dinner. She finally got home at 9:00pm, we warmed up the taco meat, had dinner, and finally relaxed.

So glad we don't need to go back to Lee's Summit until... oh... tonight. Shucks.

That's what we did this weekend.


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