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Brookie and I did our duty yesterday and voted (Of course, any one we vote for here is virtually assured of a loss). We woke up at 6:00am and were at our polling place by 6:10am, where we waited an hour before casting our ballots. We got our stickers and said no thanks to the coffee and stale cookies on our way out. When I see the quality, or lack thereof, of politicians at all levels, I think that maybe I should throw my hat in the ring. Then I remember my disdain for the machinery and the game of politics, and I return my thoughts to more important things (like keeping our blog up to date).

About the video below: I'm not saying that I agree with the views expressed therein, but I'm not not saying it either. The tune you may recognize from great '90s movies like The Hunt for Red October and Rocky IV, and other films that feature the national anthem of the Soviet Union.


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