Why I'm a Mom

Being a mom. Some could say it's the hardest job in the world. For me, I can't say if it's the hardest. Yes, the work is hard, but I enjoy it so immensely that any level of difficulty is quickly offset by sheer pleasure in the role of a mother. For me the hardest job would be one which I do not enjoy, one which brings no satisfaction, and one which has little purpose. Being a mother is the most rewarding, most fun, and most happy work. It is such a blessing to be a mom. That's all I ever wanted to be. And it is only because of my Heavenly Father that I have this choice opportunity. I try not to take it for granted. I went without it for several years. I yearned and ached for it. And through two loving birthmothers, the Lord made the impossibility of motherhood, a reality.

So often I have said, when asked my line of work, "just a mom." But that is not accurate. To be just a mom discounts the many important roles a mother plays: nurse, organizer, chef (extraordinaire, I might add), supporter, caretaker, and most importantly, a teacher. A mother is (first and foremost) her husband's faithful and supportive companion. A mother is a listener. A mother is an example to her children of loving as the Savior did. A mother is imperfect. A mother is just right for the children God has sent to her. And with the Savior by her side, a mother is a blessing to her family and community.

I am a mom because it's what my Heavenly Father wants me to be. I am a mom because I wanted to learn what it was like for our Heavenly Father to love children. I am a mom because I wanted to make a real difference in the world, even if for just two little souls. I am a mom because I love children.

It was a conscious choice we had to make: to become parents. It wasn't just going to happen for us. We had to work, hard, to bring our children into our home. We had to sacrifice, along with many others, to find our children. So while the world continues to look at motherhood, parenthood, marriage, and stay-at-home moms with some level of irrelevance, I will always find joy, purpose, and meaning in being the mother and wife God intended me to be.

"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God" (Doctrine & Covenants 18:10).


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