Fundraiser Progress

In case you haven't heard, we are doing a fundraiser for adoption expenses. You can check out our "store" to see what gifts/services are available for different levels of donations. The average cost for a private (agency) adoption in the United States is $34,000. We are trying to raise $20,000. So that's 500 people making $40 donations, or 1000 people making $20 donations. :)

Thanks so much to everyone who has helped so far! We are excited for what new adventures lie ahead! Thank you also for sharing our link with other friends and contacts.

Here is the link for our fundraising site: Reynolds Family Adoption Fundraising

One of the services offered for our fundraiser is a photo shoot, and this week I was able to take pictures for a friend. Here's a little preview; they have a new little baby, Rockwell, or "Rocky," as he is called. Adorable!


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