Welcome to Nursery!

A big milestone in Savannah's short life...Nursery!

Now that Savannah is 18 months she can go to nursery at church. Savannah did great! Sometimes the kids can be hesitant, so I am grateful she did so well. I think I was more excited than she was. Not that I didn't want to be with her, I just knew how much fun she was going to have. I was a little sad, because I didn't want to miss out on seeing how much she loved it.

We took her in, which was rather anticlimactic, seeing there wasn't quite anyone else there yet. Todd is in there for the first half of nursery, so I knew she would be just fine. He reported that she played well, mostly carrying around a baby and feeding it a bottle every once in awhile. When he left, he said that one child did cry, but it wasn't ours.

I peeked in to the nursery in between Sunday School and Relief Society, and I saw the kids having singing time with our new awesome primary chorister! Fun! I was so giddy and happy to go pick her up. And I was like a kid on Christmas morning when they gave me her very first picture that she colored at church! And because I'm a new mom, this will be in a frame!

Some things I am so thankful for:
•I am thankful that Savannah has a class to go to at church.
•I am thankful that she has a teacher! When we left, it was fun to have her give her teacher a hug. A new nursery leader got called today, and I am so happy for her. I used to work with her in young women's and I just love this amazing lady.
•I am thankful that I can now have opportunity, in testimony meeting or wherever, to "thank my child's teachers."
•I am thankful for our wonderful ward and for the friends she already had in nursery. I am sure that helped with the transition, already knowing many of the other children.
•I am thankful that I can see her already start to love the Gospel. Savannah is such a good girl. She folds her arms to pray. She loves "I am a Child of God," and will sing along. She likes to look at the pictures of Jesus.
•I am thankful that nursery teaches the children from a very young age that they are a child of God, that He loves and knows them, and that He has a plan for them.

We were at the grocery store last week and one of the sweet employees leaned down to her and said, "Jesus loves you." And I said something like, "Oh yes, she knows." And the woman said that she could see it in her face. How sweet.

What a blessing it is to have a daughter.

New Savannah fascinations: picking her nose and eating what she finds, her outrageously long tongue, singing a "No, no, no" song, dipping food in anything she can dip it in, laughing hysterically at any given moment especially bedtime or diaper changes.

She also has this funny game of lying on the ground and pretending she is asleep, and then we give her a kiss and she wakes up. She's a funny one!

Here she is on her first day of nursery:

Go to the board!


  1. still the cutest thing ever! love getting caught up on all of savannah's happenings! hope all is well with the r-team! ;)

    steph, glen and teagan

  2. Love the post.She is growing up to be such an amazing girl, am always Thankful for the great caring and loving parents and family that she has.


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