Salt Lake Summer 2011

Our Summer trip to Salt Lake began with a difficult plane ride, but was a great little vacation! We left on a Friday night at 7pm. We were doing good, got to the airport still with time to spare, and made it in with all our bags and dinner. We got into the southwest line, and it dawned on me that we had left the carseat in the economy parking. So Todd ran back outside and took the next bus back to the car, while I got us all checked in. Thanks to some very kind airline and airport workers, we made it just in time, and we were still able to sit all together in the very last row.

The plane ride was a little rocky, since Savannah normally goes to bed at 8pm. I will spare you all the details. Just know that there was much crying, frustration, and little sleep. Luckily, the next night she was right back on schedule. When we made it to the Salt Lake airport about midnight (1am Savannah's time), we were relieved that our bags had made it and happy to see Grandma and Grandpa there to pick us up.

The next morning, after breakfast at Golden Corral (what a treat...a breakfast buffet!) we headed to Alpine, UT to spend the day with my Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt, and cousin. We were so happy for the time we got to spend with them, and Savannah loved playing!

On Sunday, we headed to church to see lots of good friends. Afterward, the family came over for a dinner that Todd had made, in his mom's brand new kitchen! We were so excited because part of this trip was to meet our only nephew, Cooper. Yes, he is only 3 months! In the evening all Todd's extended family came for a visit with lots of treats and root beer floats, too! Savannah loved swinging with her cousin, Ellie.

On Monday, we all went out to breakfast, followed by our shopping trip at IKEA, and lunch at Cafe Rio. Tuesday we were able to go to the temple. Yeah! Free babysitting! Thanks Uncle Marc! We also got to meet up with my Grammie for lunch at the Lion House on Temple Square.

We were supposed to come home on Wednesday. We went to the airport, and our plane was being delayed due to its still being in Los Angeles because of mechanical issues. They decided to reroute all those not staying in Denver. Finally they called up the Kansas City people. Our flight was originally supposed to leave at 10:45am. Now the next flight they could get us on would not leave until after 4pm, and get us home at 10:45pm. We were not excited to do the late night flight with Savannah again, so we opted to give her a good night's rest, and just take a flight the next morning. The next morning flight was much better!

On a few non-trip related subjects, I have been doing Savannah's hair in little twists, and it is so much better. I went into Sally Beauty Supply to get a comb and was sharing my woes of Savannah's hair with the cashier. She showed me how to do the twists and it has solved lots of problems! She doesn't pull out her hair, it stays more moisturized, and I only have to do it like once a week! Is it bad that I let Baby Einstein entertain my child while I do her hair?

Today, Savannah and I took a nature walk, and the thing she was most interested in was this rock. I think she was pretending it to be a phone, she kept trying to put it by her ear.

Go to the board!


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