Finally Another Five Minutes of Todd's Time

It's been awhile since my weekly "Five Minute Friday" reminder popped up and I could actually spare the time. As it stands today, I was at a natural stopping point in my workflow, and was about to grab some lunch.

It's hard to believe how fast Savannah is growing. She's still a little tipsy, but she walking everywhere now. If she crawls at all it's to get to somewhere that she can pull herself back up to walk. It's fun to watch her toddling around the house, arms out to her side for balance. Based on my projections of her current gate, I'd say her Halloween costume is going to be pretty sweet. It should be perfect for the way she'll be walking at the end of October.

Speaking of which, I can't believe it's already the middle of August. Glad that the month-long heat wave has finally

That's all for this week. But here's something new:

What I'm Designing Right-This-Second


  1. That is so much easier on the eye than what I've seen before.


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