Ft. Lauderdale, FL

It all started with an audio book...Last Train to Paradise: Henry Flagler and the Spectacular Rise and Fall of the Railroad that Crossed an Ocean, by Les Standiford. We listened to the book together and were intrigued. I won't tell you much about it; you'll have to read it yourself. It was a good book, and it made us really interested to someday drive US Highway 1, which now replaces the railway all the way down to Key West, the southernmost point in the United States.

So, when a work opportunity came to Todd to go to southern Florida, and better yet would get us there during our anniversary, Todd jumped at the chance. He called me one day from work, and said, "I have a surpise."

I was nervous at first, how Savannah would do in a hotel that long, how I would do flying with her by myself (Todd went down a day early due to airfare prices), and what I would do with her while Todd was working. But we had a great time!

Todd left on Monday, and Savannah and I flew down the next day. We left around 9:00 for our 11:45 flight, and I am glad I left that early. I wish I had a picture, but if you can imagine Savannah strapped onto me in the snugglie, me pushing the stroller with one hand, her giant cow-print car seat sitting on top of the stroller. Her overflowing diaper bag and my purse were shoved into the stroller, then I pulled the two suitcases strapped together behind us. I am sure we looked ridiculous! Special thanks to some people on the economy parking buses who helped me on and off, and a sweet lady on the plane who didn't seem to mind Savannah's inability to sleep on the plane, who made it all possible.

Todd met us at the airport, and that was a welcome blessing! We loaded up all our cargo and headed to the hotel that would be home for the next three days. Todd had to work a night shift from 7pm to 7am in a nearby hospital helping their staff navigate through Cerner technology. So from 7pm to 9pm, Savannah and I hung out. Then at 9pm, I tucked her in bed. When Todd came back at 7am, he slept until about 11 or so. Savannah got up at 9, and we tried to be quiet. We ate breakfast and swam for a few hours. After he got up, then we went out to see the town for a few hours before nap time. That was the routine for the first three days. During awake hours, we tried to explore the city. We went to a giant flee market, the beach (we just aren't beach people), a pier, and did lots of driving around.

Todd's assigned shifts ended on Friday, June 24th (our anniversary!). After getting a few hours sleep, we all went out for the day. We went to a big outlet mall (which was was way too upscale for this family), IKEA (a must), and Applebee's for lunch. Then we headed to our new hotel for the next three nights for nap time. After nap time, Todd had a special surprise for me. One of his friends from high school is down in the Ft. Lauderdale area for a couple years, so we dropped Savannah off with her for a few hours so we could go on an actual date for our anniversary!

Todd took me to a little restaurant called Flip Flops. It was right on the Intracoastal Waterway in the city. The weather that day was dreary and kind of rainy. But it made for a lovely evening out. I guess people only go outside in Ft. Lauderdale if the sun is out, which made it so just a few other people were there. I told Todd he didn't have to rent the place out just for me. It was a really fun restaurant; we sat partly outside, and we could see the few boats going by, and the water taxi.

Saturday was our big day. Key West or bust. We headed out around 10am, only about 2 hours later than we probably should have. After making our way through the outskirts of Miami, we were on Hwy 1 in Key Largo. We made a few stops to let Savannah play in the water, found some seashells, and took some pictures of what we thought was part of Flagler's original railroad system. We stopped in Marathon (about halfway through the keys) for lunch at the Cracked Conche Cafe. Thanks to a coupon, we both enjoyed our delicious Key Lime Pie for dessert...a must in the Florida Keys apparently. Don't let the picture fool you with the two spoons, we both had separate pieces!

After getting back in the car, we hoped that Savannah would sleep the rest of the way to Key West, but instead she found crying (screaming) the rest of the way much more amusing. We finally made it to Key West about 4pm. We had only 1 hour until we needed to be leaving to get back in time for Savannah's bedtime. What to do? Go to Reynolds Pier, of course. We drove down Flager Avenue, then turned onto Reynolds Street.

After a short visit at the Pier, we made our way over to the picture spot marking the southernmost point in the Continental US, where you were actually closer to Cuba than the mainland. And it was SO hot! I think you are actually closer to the sun down there than anywhere else in the country.

By that time, we needed to get back in the car, which Savannah was less than excited about. I fed her a bottle, and she finally got a little shut eye for a while. We stopped off at Anne's Beach on the way back, and she liked this portion of the Atlantic Ocean much better than the beach in Ft. Lauderdale. Next time we will be smart and bring our swimming suits to the beach! It was a great time driving down there; so fun to see water on both sides of the road, and little islands all over the place.

On Sunday, we went to church. I just love our church. I love how no matter where you go, you will get the same thing. Same lessons, same message, same wonderful people. Everyone was so nice and friendly. The lesson in Relief Society was on developing a testimony and it was a wonderful review. The ward there had at least three sets of missionaries, there were lots of visitors, some investigators, and even a baptism that was happening after church. It seemed like a very big, busy ward! It was such a joy to attend church after a full week. That day we just relaxed and enjoyed our day of rest. We tried to take a walk, but the weather was not very cooperative. And Savannah made some real progress at taking actual steps while we were at the hotel!

Monday morning we all got up early and headed to the airport. This time, Todd was with us for the flight. A wonderful trip! Just too bad Savannah won't remember. Guess we'll have to go back sometime.


  1. This sounds like so much fun!! We need a vacation like this!

  2. Love the pictures! Brennan says Savannah is so cute! We are so happy to be coming there in one week!


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