Best. Find. Ever.

For those of you that just want to see cute pictures of the new addition to our little family, we took this before church yesterday:

But this post isn't about her. All she does right now is sleep, poop, and eat (not necessarily in that order).

Saturday we had a mission. In the ongoing effort to transform our multi-purpose room into a legit nursery, we have given away our TV, sold the IKEA TV stand, sold our futon, bought a secretary's desk that is in use as a dresser, set up the crib, and painted. The missing piece was a rocking chair. Being the frugal parents that we are, we checked three thrift stores in two states, and found a great rocking chair that looks great in the nursery. Now all we need to complete the room is some custom art for the walls. Luckily, we know a guy that can do that for us, if he can find the time.

Our new rocking chair was a good find. But it wasn't the best. find. ever. That was found at our first stop, a thrift store in downtown Lee's Summit on 3rd Street. We were looking for a chair, and then I suggested we check out their lamps as well. And then, on our way out of the store I saw this:

Sitting on a shelf, totally not by the rest of the small appliances, was this slightly-dated KitchenAid food processor. It was big—11-cups. It was sturdy. It was clean. And, it was something I've wanted for a very, very long time. I've been pricing food processors forever. For over six years we've been making due with the 1-1/2 cup mini-choppers. I think we've gone through three of them in that span. Each time a motor on one would burn out, we couldn't quite justify the cost for a nice big adult food processor, so we'd buy another mini-chopper for under $20.

I didn't see a price on the machine. I picked it up and looked at it from every angle. Still no price. I also noticed that there wasn't a blade. But, I thought, the blades aren't too expensive. For the right price, I might buy this and buy new blades separately.

Turns out, I had been blinded by the sight of such a fine piece of culinary appliance—the full set of blades were sitting right next to it in a large plastic container. Written in red wax pencil on the outside of the container was the price. Guess what it said.


That's when I really started to get excited. $25 bucks for the kitchen appliance I've dreamed of ever since I was a child (okay—that's probably overstating the fact). And then Brookie gave me the really good news: the sign at the front of the store read STOREWIDE—EVERYTHING 50% OFF. Oh my goodness. I almost fainted.

I grabbed the food processor, tucking it under my arm. The base was white, but to me it was gold. There was, however, one deal-breaker; one hurdle left between me and homemade hummus, pesto, and instantly grated mozzarella cheese: I had to plug it in and make sure that it worked. After all, I couldn't imagine someone just donating a perfectly good food processor of that quality.

I sneaked back to the area of the store where they sell TVs because I knew I could find an outlet there. Elation barely begins to describe what I was feeling when I plugged in the food processor and it purred. Every attachment was there. The price was more than right. And it worked.

I came back out to the front of the store where Brookie and Savannah were waiting for me, told them it worked, and I grabbed the attachments and stood in line for the cashier. She punched in the price, applied the discount and sales tax and charged me $13.41.

We used it to grate cheese for pizza that night, and again to help with dinner on Sunday.

Best. Find. Ever.

Go to the board!


  1. I love this story!
    Congrats on a great find!

  2. Awesome find!

    I'm surprised you went through so many mini-choppers, though. I've had the same mini-food processor since we got married (6.5 years ago). And I've used the heck out of it! You must really be hard on your processors! :)

    P.S. Thanks for the recipe, can't wait to try it out!

  3. wow todd. how do brooklet and savannah feel being relegated to #2 and #3 in your life?

  4. Very jealous! I have always chopped everything by hand and when I stop to think of all the time I've spent it makes me crazy. Definitely on my list of things to buy.
    What store did you go to?

  5. You GAVE AWAY your TV? Apparently we came to your house just a few weeks too late...

  6. I can't even say how much I love that picture! For being a newborn you seem to be able to capture some remarkably alert photos of Savannah. Her eyes are just beautiful!

    And good job on your find. I think I'm about ready for a full sized food processor too. After using one at my parents house this spring the next time I used our mini chopper I was just plain annoyed.

  7. Love the picture of Miss S. and Brooke! I too have been wanting a food processer for eons...I keep buying those hand choppers and we've been through quite a few! I believe I know the store you are talking about, is it by Sonic? I got a bread machine there not too long ago same story with the 1/2 off. It totally made my day. Anyhow congrats on the the newest addition to your kitchen!


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