What We Did This Weekend:
Thanksgiving and Black Friday

We had a great Thanksgiving. We were invited to join some of our friends for the holiday, and we had been looking forward to it for weeks. Thanksgiving morning we drove to a local high school and met up with some friends from church for the annual "Turkey Bowl." I participated in a little two-hand-touch football game while Brookie preemptively burned calories by running the high school stadium stairs and doing a few laps around the track. My football experience reached the grade school recess level, and that's how I played. No matter what play my team tried to diagram, I'd run down the field, then cut across it, waving my hand when I thought I was open. After Brookie had run for about 45 minutes, she came up to the field and we went home to get ready for dinner.

Our responsibility for the Thanksgiving feast consisted of copy-cat Jack Stack Cheesy Corn Bake, a chocolate pie, "turkey" rolls, a cheeseball, a cream-cheese-jalapeƱo-berry-sauce dip, and some crackers. Dinner was awesome. We showed up a few hours before the turkey was ready, which gave us time to chat with our friends, and play a round of dominoes and Disney Trivial Pursuit with their boys. After dinner we watched "The Court Jester," a funny, old show starring Danny Kaye, had some pie (I love pie), and all played a game of Cranium. We had an awesome Thanksgiving, and hope you did too.

Black Friday carries with it a few Reynolds family traditions. Since we refuse to listen to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving, one of those traditions is to start listening to the Christmas CDs that have been tucked away for 11 months. We also like to start (and preferably finish) our Christmas shopping, but we're not crazy. We don't try to fight the crowds for the early-bird-door-buster-get-'em-while-they-last-so-you'd-better-show-up-at-3AM-'cause-they-won't-last-more-than-15-minutes deals. We've found that if we just wake up whenever we're ready, get dressed, have a little breakfast, and then head to the stores, we seem to be behind the crowds just enough to not even know it's a busy shopping day. This year we took along our Flip Video to document our Black Friday fun.

Another Reynolds family Black Friday tradition is to buy our Christmas tree and put up the decorations. The raw footage used in the video below was over 45 minutes long, and I managed to trim it way down, having some fun along the way. Hope you like it.

And that's what we did this weekend! The the Christmas Spirit flow.

Go to the board!


  1. I LOVE your guys' blog!! It always makes me laugh. Thanks for sharing the videos! You guys are hilarious! Sounds (and looks) like you guys had a lot of fun. :)

  2. It's a good thing you don't pick your nose while putting up the Christmas tree or we would see you in the video. I'm just saying....


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