What We Did This Weekend:
Seminary's Coming

I'll keep this brief. We had a really good weekend, but it had more to do with feeling good on the inside than with having fun on the outside. And, let's be honest, the having-fun-sorts of weekends make the best posts.

This weekend was full of Seminary stuff. For anyone who doesn't know, I received a calling to be a Seminary Teacher about six weeks ago. Class will start this week,* and Saturday evening was the Stake Seminary Kick-Off, which turned out to be three hours of "turn these kids loose at a park." It seemed to us that the only thing that was actually planned was dinner. After that, the kids were pretty much on their own to play tennis, volleyball, kickball, or you know, just wander around like teens do, chatting with their BFFs (which is exactly what Brookie and I did prior to bailing 90 minutes into the evenings 'activities').

*Hopefully the 17 hours the average early morning seminary teacher spends on his or her calling every week doesn't cut into my important blogging time.

I spent Saturday morning at the Liberty Stake Center attending workshops for Seminary Teachers at the 14th Annual Missouri Seminary Teacher Symposium. That ran until about 1:00pm. So while I was learning about the proper placement of your students in relation to the chalkboard (the likes of which will not be found in my classroom/dining room), Brookie was home writing her talk for sacrament meeting, cleaning the house, and folding laundry.

We did have somewhat of a breakthrough this weekend. We have decided that enough is enough. We're both past our weight loss goals (the ones that had we actually set them this high in January, we would not have lasted 'til Valentines Day), and we keep losing. It's kind of frustrating to buy new shorts at a size I haven't been at since my days wandering the halls of Taylorsville High School, only to have them be a little too big a month later. So, we're moving to 'maintenance' caloric intake levels. That basically adds 500 calories a day to our budget. I seriously felt full all weekend. I don't think I can eat 2,400 a day anymore. After all, I'm no Michael Phelps. Now there's a guy that can throw down some serious calories.

Brookie's talk was awesome, by the way. The reason she's such a great speaker is because she puts so much time and effort into preparing her message beforehand. And that pretty much makes her the yin to my yang. Because, you know, I am a world-class procrastinator.

And that's what we did this weekend.

Go to the board!


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