Sharing Time: Disco

If you know me at all – actually, even if you've only ever had a chance encounter with me that involved more than the obligatory head-nod and a "hey" – then you know that I love baseball. I played in little league, high school, and junior college. I love the game, and you'd do yourself a favor by keeping any negative opinions about it to yourself. Good friends have plummeted down the ladder of friendship to the lowly rung of casual acquaintance for saying to my face that baseball is slow or boring.

As an avid fan (one that literally starves for baseball news during the offseason), one of the things I do to get my fix is to follow various baseball blogs (I also write one, though we've been so busy this year that you wouldn't know it). One of those blogs is Disco Hayes.

Now, before you write-off Mr. Disco off as just another puffed-up jock (because, let's face it, we all remember that the biggest jerks in high school were on the baseball team), take a second and read a few of his posts. I know that there is a significant number of friends that read this blog and love "Psych" on USA. Well, Mr. Disco's sense of humor and his quick-witted diction and syntax (dyntaxion?) make him the Shawn Spencer of MLB bloggers. I can't tell you how many times I've have literally lol'd out loud while reading his posts.

Mr. Disco definitely deserves a roster spot in your unattractive, visually unappealing RSS feed-reader. Don't believe me? Here are a few gut-busting posts to sample:

I am Batman
Promotions, Payback, and Poop Sticks
How to Become a Minor-League Reliever: Step 1 – Get Signed
A Tribute to National Donut Day (a statistical breakdown of the perfect Dunkin Donuts Dozen)

Go to the board!


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