Where We've Been Since Last Weekend

If only I would have had time to blog last Monday like I usually do. I would have talked about what a strange weekend it had been, about how it was simultaneously a great weekend and a rough weekend.

If I would have had time to blog last Monday, I would have explained that although I had heard of people having difficult weeks prior to a scheduled temple visit, I hadn't ever experienced it. I would have talked about how stressed and frustrated we both were as we drove to St. Louis Friday evening, after locking ourselves out of our house on our way to the gym earlier that afternoon, and finding the only way back in was to force the garage door open, bending the bar that keeps the door locked.

If I would have blogged last Monday, I definitely would have mentioned some details about our trip to St. Louis, including how we had dinner Friday night at Ozzie's Sports Bar and Grill, which is like a St. Louis Cardinals themed Applebee's, or how after dinner we got lost trying to find our hotel using a print-out from Google maps, driving around for an hour or more, and realizing Saturday morning that our hotel was just a couple of blocks from the restaurant.

If I would have blogged last Monday I would have said what a great session we had at the temple Saturday morning before we met up with our friends for the baseball game. I would have been able to talk about how much fun we had with our friends, going to lunch and going to the game in St. Louis as unabashed Cubs fans. I would have had lots of pictures to post that we took from our seats just beyond the wall in center field.

Had I blogged last Monday, I may have also included the part about dinging up our xB backing out of the garage Sunday morning on our way to an early pre-church meeting when we backed into the garage door which didn't open like it usually did because we had bent it Friday when we broke into our own house. Last Monday that little annoyance would have been a big deal.

Now, not so much.

And even though I didn't blog about all of this on Monday, I would have found some time to do it on Tuesday, were it not for what happened Monday night. So that's where I'll pick up...

Mondays in general are busy days for us. We go to the gym after Brookie gets home from work. Then we do our grocery shopping so that we can eat during the week. Then we make dinner, eat, and usually have a little time left for Family Home Evening and maybe some Monk or the Cosby Show on DVD. But last Monday we decided to do all of this and then go wish a friend a happy birthday.

We went to the gym. We bought our week's supply of food. We made some delicious soup, ate it while laughing at Cliff Huxtable and his family, then left at about 9:15pm to go see our friend, whose party we had missed on Saturday because we had been in St. Louis. When we got to their house, they had just gotten back from a birthday dinner with family, so we went inside and visited for about 30 minutes before heading home for the night.

The normalcy of our routine ended when Brookie opened the front door of our home and noticed her purse on the floor in the hall, then noticed other things scattered around in our bedroom. She ran back out of the house to the car where I was waiting for her to open the garage so I could park the car. We had been burglarized.

The details are not too important. They broke in through a back window. I'm fairly certain that whoever it was saw us leave that night. They basically took all of the good stuff: a few computers, a camera, a camcorder, wedding and engagement rings, you know. The good stuff. The consumer electronics that were stolen are a pain to lose, but at least they're replaceable. The stuff that really makes you sick are things like the pictures on the computers, the art work, and the rings -- things that can't really be replaced.

We called the police and they dusted for prints, but the thieves must have been wearing gloves or something. The officer took down our list of stolen items and left at about 11:30pm or so. We slowly started to clean up the mess, discovering a few more missing items while we did.

The paranoia we felt that night and since is hard to explain, and it's probably the most difficult part about the whole thing. It's hard for us to leave the house now. For the rest of the week, when we would go to the gym, we would take everything with us, like wallets, phones, etc., that before, we would have just left at home. For our date night we went to Waldo Pizza, but for carry-out. We got our pizza and went back home. Saturday night we had dinner at the home of the friend we had visited Monday night, and we were a little anxious most of the evening, but at the same time, we know we need to get out of the house and have fun. We need to try to get back to normal. But on our way home after dinner and a condensed round of Scene-It!, we were both nervous. Our nerves were even more rattled because we were getting home at the same time, coming from the same place as Monday night. But this time, everything was okay.

Hopefully everything will continue to be okay, because honestly, if all we do on the weekends is get take out and watch a movie at home, no one is going to read our blog.

So, speaking of the fun adventures of Todd and Brookie, here are some links to the last pictures taken from our now-stolen digital camera. I was able to stitch together these panoramic shots from Busch Stadium last Monday morning, while our camera and our iMac were still ours. I think they turned out great. And if you click on the pictures, you can zoom in. Pretty cool. Hope you like them!

The view from our seats

First base side

And that's where we've been since last weekend.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about this. I don't know if you knew this but my parents house got robbed about four years ago. They were on vacation, Raul wasn't with them and couldn't even sleep there alone for a couple of days because he was a little scared and eventually he asked Nate to spend a couple of days with him. My parents even called Pinical and got a security system even when I told them it wasn't worth it. Still no advice I know you are smarter than just about anyone I know and you don't need it. Nonetheless I still consider you like a brother and it hurts when I see you have to go through this, still I am relieved that nobody got physically hurt. Good Luck with everything I know it'll just be a matter of time.

  2. I am so sorry this happened to you guys. Wow. My heart aches thinking about it.

  3. Your pictures turned out awesome! Someday when I download all mine I'll send them over. They aren't nearly as cool, but at least you'll have a few more.


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