What We Did This Weekend: Memorial Day and the 100th Post

Before I get into what we did on our glorious three-day Memorial Day weekend, allow me to point out the obvious (or for you folks still using RSS feed readers, the not-at-all-obvious): In honor of Todd and Brookie's 100th post (which is this one), we've redesigned our blog! The overall look and feel is based on our home, and hopefully it's a little easier on the eyes than the hypnotically-bright stripes from our last theme. There may still be some bugs here and there, but we'll be correcting those as we go. Here are a few cool things you'll want to check out and keep an eye on:

The Stickers: You'll notice a pair of pictures on the banner that should look like stickers. One features Frank Lloyd Wright and the other, a baseball. Those are links to our other blogs. Click Frank's face and you'll be transported to Brookie's Frank Lloyd Wright travel blog entitled "Finding Frank" (on a side note: due to circumstances beyond our control, Brookie has no additional pictures or stories and may be unable to update her blog for a period of time). Click the baseball, and you'll be treated to a heap of baseball-related minutia when you arrive at Todd's blog, "The Perfect Game."

Some Pictures: Scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page, you'll see something that might look familiar if you've been in our home. It's a reproduction of the IKEA message board in our kitchen (and there will be a link at the bottom of every post to take you right there). Kept there by cyber-magents magnets are a few select pictures of Todd and Brookie, which we hope to update on a fairly regular basis.

Our Menu: Next to the pictures will be our weekly menu. And we'll be including links to any exciting new recipes we try out (but it just so happens that this week's menu is kind of dull, so there are no links this week).

Adoption Links: In the lower portion of the message board, on the left side, are a list of links dealing with our adoption. There's a link to the LDS Family Services adoption homepage (It's About Love), a direct link to our profile, a link to our Adoption Collage, a link to some good articles and books about adoption (currently it's an article from February's Ensign that you should all read if you haven't already), and a link to contact us about adoption (so if you know anyone that's thinking about it, you can send them here, and they can get a hold of us via LDSFS).

Comment of the Week: We weren't sure what to place in the last section of the message board, so I came up with the Comment of the Week. Each week, I'll be selecting a comment we liked and highlighting it as the comment of the week. So be sure to join the conversation and start commenting.

Oh, and by the way, I hope no one was too worried if you tried to check the blog this morning. I took it offline while I got the new theme up and running. Enjoy!


Big weekend for us. But, I like that our three-day weekends are usually packed. That's probably the way it should be. We were worried that it was going to rain the entire time, but we lucked out and only had to endure some light rain Monday afternoon.

Does anyone know how long it takes to establish family traditions? This was the third consecutive year that we've attended Kansas City's "Celebration at the Station" and it has definitely been solidified as a Reynolds Family Tradition. Each Memorial Day weekend, the Kansas City Symphony puts on a free concert out in front of Union Station. Last year there were over 40,000 people in attendance, sprawled out on blankets and lawn chairs on the hill between the symphony and the World War I Liberty Memorial tower. This year they said there were even more.

Brookie and I have a problem. We really can't keep secrets when it comes to the great things our city has to offer. So, knowing how amazing this concert is, we invited some of our friends to come along. I don't know if they will be looking forward to this event every year like we will, but we all had a great time listening to patriotic music and honoring those men and women that serve our country. The fireworks are always fun too.

Saturday was quite possibly the birth of another family tradition: The 3-Story Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake. The scouts in our ward were having an auction at church Saturday to raise funds for their upcoming high-adventure camps. They provided a Spaghetti dinner for $5 a person. Besides the cover charge, Brookie and I were pretty sure we weren't going to be making any purchases, so to help out, we made donations of items to be auctioned. One such item was a dessert.

We wanted to bring something amazing, so I literally Googled "best cake ever." It's hard to describe this creation. We were extremely thrilled with how it turned out, and very glad when it sold for $37. In the auction the cake was described like this: "Sumptuous triple-layer chocolate cake with cream-cheese-peanut-butter frosting and a chocolat-peanut-butter glaze. This cake is so naughty it had to meet with the Bishop before being allowed in the auction." I say this may be a new tradition because it may very well become our family cake. I know it's what I want for my birthday. I can't really speak for Brookie, but I can't imagine she would be disappointed if she had it for hers two weeks after mine. And we're going to make this for my parents as a belated birthday cake when we visit in July.

So basically our Saturday was very, very busy as we made this cake. The cake alone wouldn't have been too bad. But I also had to finish another donation. I hand-painted a pair of three-foot decorative signs. One said "A happy family is but an earlier heaven," and the other stated, "Real love stories don't have an ending..." The auction started at 6:30pm on Saturday, and we were putting the final varnish coat on the last sign at 6:20pm. We were a few minutes late, but luckily our donations were well accepted.

Memorial Day provided another opportunity for tradition-forging. The Royals had a day game at the New Kauffman Stadium yesterday, and we got some upper-deck tickets with a few friends. It's just too bad that the Royals lost 13-1 (that one run they scored in the 8th inning was awesome... but the four runs they gave back in the top of the ninth kind of killed the momentum). This Memorial Day massacre at the hands of the first-place Detroit Tigers left a bad taste in my mouth and I wondered if maybe just going to see a movie every year might be a better tradition).

One thing that really surprised us on Memorial Day were how early the stores were closing. After the game we tried to do some shopping, but found nearly all the merchants at Town Center had closed at 5:00pm. We thought that Memorial Day was a big day for sales and stuff. And maybe it still is, but apparently only between 12 and 5.

Friday night was our weekly date night. We introduced more friend's to RC's, one of our favorite restaurants in the area, and left there thoroughly stuffed. Like I said, we just like sharing when we find something good.

And that's what we did this weekend!

**By the way, I saw a number of people taking pictures this weekend, so if anyone out there has any pictures of anything that goes along with the post (auction, Celebration at the Station, the baseball game), send them to me and I'll post them here. We haven't replaced our camera yet, which is why there has been an absence of picture for the past month.

Go to the board!


  1. P.S.
    If the blog doesn't look like this, click to upgrade your internet browser. I'm not going to try to design for out-dated browsers anymore...

  2. What is a cyber-magent? Looks good!

  3. @Weston: Good question. A cyber-magnet is a two-dimensional vector-based image that has the appearance of a real magnet and magically holds pictures and menus on cyber-magnet boards.

  4. I understand what a cyber-magnet is, but what is a cyber-magent?

  5. Oh my goodness, I have made that very cake and it's awesome!! I don't know if Ben told you or not, but I may start making desserts for a restaurant (just a little side job) and that is one of the recipes I'm considering--do you think people would pay money for it?!

  6. @Todd & Brookie: Great new layout! It's way nice! I love the board at the bottom ... very creative. Just be sure to keep it updated for us the best you can!
    @C: People DID pay $37 already for the cake they made ... I think if people go to a restaurant, they won't expect it for free. :)

  7. I just downloaded a new browser thanks to your link and I am loving firefox. Is it possible that it is faster than my old browser? Your blog looks great. I love reading it.

    (I think Brooke and I should have combined efforts and bid for the bike together. We could have shared it.)

  8. @Carie: Yay! Just knowing that one less person is checking my blog on a sub-par browser makes my day! And, yes, it probably is faster than your old browser. Happy surfing!

    @C: Yeah, people will totally pay for that cake. I'd say about $4-5 per slice at a restaurant. And you should easily get 16 slices. That's a lot of dough. Good luck!

  9. Wow I think that Emma literally started to drool when she saw the picture of that cake, but with you being in the KC shouldn't you be doin' a little more barbeque? That’s not to say that you should be making a barbeque cake although this one looked pretty fun.


  10. Nice layout, I like it much better! The stickers at the top disappear when I try to click on them, and I'm at work where we have really fast internet, but I'll try at home. Love that you have links to the adoption page, can't tell you how many times I have had to find that old blog and use that link to show you guys off! Mom


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