Little J

Little Jackson so far has a whole slew of nicknames: Jackie, Jackaroo, Jacks, Little Dude, Jack Jack, Blue J...most only getting used just once or twice. I think the most common nicknames so far have been Jackie (Todd) and Jacks (Savannah).

Savannah has enjoyed being a big sister so far. Her favorite thing to do is give kisses. She always remembers that she wants to give him a kiss right as he starts eating, so then she has to wait.

We are having a good time with two kids...just learning how to adjust to that new change. We have new Mom and Dad mush brain frequently due to lack of sleep. He doesn't sleep super well at night...he is definitely a boy...hungry a lot! Before our new little guy, we had gotten really comfortable with our schedule and routine and just doing the one kid thing, so it is always good to shake things up a bit. We are so grateful to be together enjoying this fun, new adventure!


  1. Our cousin have a son named Jackson and they call him jackpot. Love it.

  2. So so sweet. I am very happy for your beautiful family. I easily teared up last Sunday morning when I read the post about being blessed with jack. I bore my testimony about how heavenly father always blesses us in time, and sometimes he makes us wait for things so that when the blessing comes it will be even more special. And I mentioned your story and how you are a great example to me. Congratulations!


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