9 Months!

Things Savannah can do:

Stand up on her own, plays chase when we say "I'm gonna get you," eats lots of different finger foods (beans, veggies, fruit, noodles, cheese, etc.), dances, waves bye-bye (sometimes), turns pages on a book.

Savannah has such a funny personality. She already thinks that she is the funniest person in the family...she is going to have to challenge Daddy for that spot. She grins with her whole mouth! She loves eating, playing with balls, giving her baby kisses, climbing on Mommy, being held by Mommy, and jewelry. She gets a smile on her face when she sees Daddy after work.

The other day she let go of the laundry basket she was holding on to, on her own, and stood for a second or two before falling down. Yeah! And then one morning this week, I went in to get her from her crib, and she was kneeling, blankets off, with hands on the side of the crib. Next day - bumpers off, and crib lowered. She definitely loves to explore her world!

Go to the board!


  1. What an ADORABLE little girl!! Her eyes are so stunning and the smile...KILLER!! Love it!

  2. let me know when she can bake bread like you.


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