Want a Kiss?

I once had an English teacher that asked us, "What moves you to write?" It's something I think about nearly every time I do. So, following a heated Presidential Super Tuesday primary, what is inspiring me to write? What is it that I can no longer hold in? What shining beacon of truth can I hold up to light the way for our readers?

Drum-roll, please.

Hershey's Cherry Cordial Kisses are undoubtedly the best Hershey's Kisses in modern history.

Trust me, if you haven't had one of these, go buy a bag. If you really trust me, you should buy two bags, because the first one won't last long enough to justify the gas you'll use to return to the store for your second bag.

I don't know when these first appeared on the shelf, but they are delicious. I actually think they use different chocolate. Normal Kisses are okay. The chocolate has always seems kind of dry and waxy to me. I never did like Hugs, with or without almonds. As far as those mini-Kisses, maybe Hershey's hasn't heard, but someone cornered the market on bite-sized candy-coated chocolate that "melts in your mouth, not in your hand" long ago. But, these Cherry Cordial Kisses literally dissolve when they greet your taste buds into a pool of Cherry Cordial goodness. Give them a try, you won't be disappointed.


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