My first Estate Sale!

When you think of Kansas and Missouri, money isn't the first thing that usually comes to mind. But I gotta say, there is some money in Kansas City. When we first arrived, we were both a little unimpressed because our apartment was older than we thought it was going to be. From the pictures we had seen online, it looked like a really nice, new complex. But then we got past our initial impression and started driving around the area. Yes, the neighborhoods are older. It looks like most of the homes were built in the 60's and 70's. Lots of ranch-style houses. But they are really well kept and they all have nice, big yards.

I was out one morning just doing some wandering, while Todd was working (we love this work from home thing!). I happened to see a sign that said "Estate Sale Today. 9-5. Take State Line Rd. to 59th St." I decided to go. So I was driving up State Line Rd., thinking how weird it was that one the left side of the road was Kansas, on the right was Missouri. I found 59th St. and soon realized that I was going into a neighborhood with the biggest houses I had ever seen in my life. Um, let me rephrase that....these weren't even mansions, these homes were estates. HUGE!!!!! Me, in my little purple Honda, stuck out like a sore thumb. But I was determined to not act like an outsider. I found the house, even though it was difficult to see with all the trees and the ivy climbing all over the walls. I circled around the area a few times trying to find a parking spot. Then I hiked up the hill to the gorgeous chateau. When I went in through the gates, I noticed a long line and a sign that said, "Estate sale starts at 9. Not before." So I got in line with the few other hundred people waiting to behold the treasures that waited inside.

Finally, they opened the olive-colored double doors. And I was welcomed to the experience of estate-sale shopping. People were nuts! I just wanted to look around the beautiful home and people were acting like the world was about to end. Everyone was running all over grabbing up whatever they could see and dashing back to the cashier sitting behind a table near the front door. But I was determined to enjoy this, because I knew there was no way that I was getting back into a house this nice probably in my life. I looked around wide-eyed like a little child. When you first enter the house there are two winding staircases, one going up and one going down. Then you can either walk straight ahead into the first sitting room, to the left (the west wing, which was closed for the estate sale), or to the right (the east wing). I first went straight and the sitting room had beautiful furniture, huge paintings, and big windows. Through the sitting room is a little room with a bar that has a door, opening out to the patio and pool. Then you go back to the front entry way, walk along the marble floors to the second sitting room that also looks out over the pool. Through that room, you enter the dining room, which opens into the big, white kitchen. Past the kitchen is the utility room with the washer and dryer and the 4 (at least) car garage. That was just the east wing. They had the upstairs blocked off also, so then I headed down the winding staircase.

Again, you can either go straight, to the left or the right. For the sale, they only let you go left or right. To the right were three big bedrooms and a bathroom that seemed about the size as our whole apartment. To the left of the stairs was a game room, a living room, a bathroom, and another kitchen. Everything was decorated beautifully, of course. But soon the house started to look empty. They were selling everything. Most of it I couldn't even dream to afford, like the furniture and the artwork. But I did find one thing: a jean jacket.

I walked back upstairs and got in line to pay for my item. When I got to the cashier, I handed her my bill, expecting her to give me back my 50 cents change, but she started helping the next person in line! I was like, okay, I guess in this neighborhood they don't count their pennies like I do. So that was my first estate sale!


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